
Investment Banking

Our Investment Banking Offering provides you with a strong, full service platform in Europe and leverages our extensive range of areas of expertise to provide highly valued advisory services and execution excellence.

Tailored Advice and Solutions 

Relationship | Strategic Advisory | Financing

Across client segments, we help you define and execute strategic moves and find optimal financing solutions, leveraging our global reach and profound markets expertise.

Our value proposition includes our extensive advisory expertise across Debt and Equity Financing, Ratings, Market Risk and Structuring, across sectors.

In addition to our European bulge bracket status and our global reach, we are able to leverage an extensive footprint in CEEMEA, a high-potential and fast-growing region.

Our commitment to your success is relentless and has been demonstrated in successful transactions time and time again.

To learn more about Societe Generale's investment bank, please visit the Group's Wholesale Banking website: https://wholesale.banking.societegenerale.com/